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 I have an issue with an Add-on

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Q: I have installed an Addon and want to report an issue/bug or contact the author

In case you need to report an issue, request for a feature, ask a question about how the Add-on works, or just leave a comment, you can:

  • Post a message at the Comments topic of the Add-on, by clicking the "Comments" link.

  • Search in the Skins Forum or Plugins Forum (for all other Add-ons except skins) in case the author or some other user has opened a topic related to this Add-on, or open a new topic at the related Forum.

  • Contact Support and our agents will assist you or provide instructions about the steps that you should follow


  • VirtualDJ Team tests and approves submitted Add-ons prior releasing. However, there may be some cases under which the Add-on may not operate as expected. VirtualDJ Team may withdraw an Add-on in case of a serious bug report that could harm VirtualDJ stability.
  • Add-ons are verified as Virus-free and is safe to install. Ignore any risk-warning that could faulty come from an Antivirus software and allow installation.
  • When installing from the website, some addons may not display or function depending on what version is installed (32-bit or 64-bit). If installing from Extensions in the software, all addons will function correctly.

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FAQ Can I share or sell the plugins available on the website ?
FAQ I have created a VirtualDJ Add-on. How can I upload and share it?


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